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Everything You Need to Know About Body Weight & Migraine

Most research reports and experts tend to believe that a person's genetics play a significant role in his/her susceptibility to migraines . This indicates the possibility that if your parents or family members suffer from m igraine s, you may develop them as well. Several studies also point to an increased risk of migraines with obesity. In addition, obesity increases the risk of someone with an episodic pattern of headaches transforming to a chronic pattern. Bodyweight is one of the possible influences that researchers are looking at. Even though there is not enough evidence to prove that obesity causes Migraines, there is still strong correlational evidence. Here are a few things that were deduced about obesity and Migraine through research reports. 1    Risk of Migraine Associated with Obesity may be different for different age groups A research study reported that having obesity increases the odds and prevalence in people aged 20 to 55 but has no effect on the risk in individ

The link between Stress & Obesity

There are many research reports that have certainly suspected that Stress & Obesity are linked.  Specific biochemical reactions appear to explain this link, and, as we better understand these reasons, we may be better able to address the obesity epidemic. 

Talking about the current circumstances, this pandemic has drastically disrupted our daily routine. If you wish to maintain successful weight loss, your daily routine holds a critical role. Even small changes in the lifestyle can tip the balance in the wrong direction. If you are suffering from stress, it can be challenging for you to maintain a healthy weight. 

What does stress do to your body?

You might not notice it at first, but stress can have a considerable effect on your body. Whether it is headaches and tight muscles or feeling irritated, overwhelmed, and out of control, stress can take a toll on all the aspects of your health: physical, mental, and emotional health.

In most cases, you'll feel the effects of stress right away. However, there are a plethora of ways your body responds to stress. And weight gain is one of the most significant ways that may take time to notice.

How does stress cause weight gain?

Chronic stress has physiological and psychological effects promoting weight gain. It can cause an elevation in the cortisol levels in the body. Chronic stress is known to alter food intake patterns, dietary preferences, and the rewarding properties of foods. All of these have been implicated in the link between Stress & Obesity.

Stress needs to be recognized and stress reduction certainly remain one of the important strategies to prevent obesity

Decoding Obesity is one of the Best Obesity Podcasts you can listen to now to find out more about obesity.  Click here to listen to the episode on Stress & Obesity


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