
Everything You Need to Know About Body Weight & Migraine

Most research reports and experts tend to believe that a person's genetics play a significant role in his/her susceptibility to migraines. This indicates the possibility that if your parents or family members suffer from migraines, you may develop them as well.

Several studies also point to an increased risk of migraines with obesity. In addition, obesity increases the risk of someone with an episodic pattern of headaches transforming to a chronic pattern. Bodyweight is one of the possible influences that researchers are looking at. Even though there is not enough evidence to prove that obesity causes Migraines, there is still strong correlational evidence. Here are a few things that were deduced about obesity and Migraine through research reports.

1  Risk of Migraine Associated with Obesity may be different for different age groups

A research study reported that having obesity increases the odds and prevalence in people aged 20 to 55 but has no effect on the risk in individuals older than 55.

2.  Obesity Might Increase Your Risk For Chronic Migraine

Chronic Migraine is the condition when a person has 15 or more days per month of headache. Data from epidemiological research suggests that obesity might be linked to increasing progression from episodic to chronic Migraine. Obesity is considered to be a low-grade systematic inflammatory state that might be responsible for this progression.

3. Losing Weight Can Help you Reduce Migraine

According to research (endocrine), people with obesity and Migraine who lost weight experienced a reduction in the number of migraine days per month. They also witnessed a decrease in migraine pain severity and the length of their attacks.

If you suffer from migraine and obesity, strategies to manage obesity may help combating your migraine.





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