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Everything You Need to Know About Body Weight & Migraine

Most research reports and experts tend to believe that a person's genetics play a significant role in his/her susceptibility to migraines . This indicates the possibility that if your parents or family members suffer from m igraine s, you may develop them as well. Several studies also point to an increased risk of migraines with obesity. In addition, obesity increases the risk of someone with an episodic pattern of headaches transforming to a chronic pattern. Bodyweight is one of the possible influences that researchers are looking at. Even though there is not enough evidence to prove that obesity causes Migraines, there is still strong correlational evidence. Here are a few things that were deduced about obesity and Migraine through research reports. 1    Risk of Migraine Associated with Obesity may be different for different age groups A research study reported that having obesity increases the odds and prevalence in people aged 20 to 55 but has no effect on the risk in individ

What's the Best Way to Prevent Obesity in Adults ?

We all know obesity is a common health issue in which a person accumulates a high percentage of body fat. A body mass index(BMI) of 30 or higher is an indicator of obesity. Obesity has not reached epidemic proportions in the USA. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 93.3 million adults and 13.7 million children and teens in the United States are obese.   

There are numerous ways to prevent obesity in adults. There are many health and fitness podcasts that people can listen to find tips to lose weight and stay away from obesity. Let's talk about Obesity Prevention tips for adults.

Less bad fat and more good fat

If you think all fat is bad, you are mistaken. According to a study, published in the Nutrition Journal, healthy fats, such as polyunsaturated fats can improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of obesity.

Consume less processed and sugar food

According to a study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, by consuming processed and ultra-processed foods, adults expose themselves to a higher risk of obesity.  The ready to eat processed foods are high in fat, salt, and sugar and should be avoided at all costs.

Include vegetables and fruits in your diet

If we talk about the optimal amount of daily intake of fruit and vegetables for adults, it’s five to nine servings per day.  

Fruits and vegetables not only help keep your calorie count in check, but they also have numerous other beneficial effects on health. Adults must include plenty of dietary fiber in their diet plan.  Dietary fiber plays a critical role in weight maintenance. 

Take enough sleep

If you don't get enough good night’s sleep, your body will be at a higher risk of health issues. Listen to healthy living podcasts to get tips and guidelines for getting the sleep you need to stay active and healthy. All these podcasts are interesting to listen to, and the best thing is that you can listen to them any day at any time.

Involve family in the weight loss journey

If you think only children and teens need social support, you are wrong. Adults also need the support of their parents to stay healthy and get the motivation to lose weight. Whether you want to take up cooking with your family or go on a walk with your friends, you can involve your close ones in your weight loss journey.  The support of your close ones will go a long way and help you to reduce the risk of obesity.

For Nutrition Data Reference: 

For BMI and Body Measurement, Please Listen to this Podcast:


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